click on the question to show the answer.

A gps fix is needed to let the watchface know where you are to calculate everything regarding suntimes and moontimes correctly.
A gps fix can be done by starting an activity and wait until the watch got the gps signal or by long pressing the gps button and wait until the watch got the gps signal. After that you can return to the watchface and everything should show up correctly.

All TitanicTurtle watchfaces do not collect any userdata and do not send it elsewhere. They only display data provided by Garmin or do some calculations based on it (like active calories). In general, all data provided by Garmin to 3rd party watchfaces is not personalized - there is no name or similar to be read out for example.

TitanicTurtle Watchfaces need permissions to provide the large selection of data / functions.
Here is every single one explained:
Run in the background when it is not active - this is needed to upate tide / weather data from third party providers in combination with the internet permission
Send/receive information to/from the Internet - this is needed to update tide / weather data in combination with running in the background.
Read and display data from other apps. - Other apps must explicitly provide data to be read by Watchfaces. This includes Garmin's own apps like Stress or BodyBattery, which can be updated in real time. Unauthorized data from other apps cannot be read.
GPS location - this is needed to calculate times like sunrise/sunset, moonrise/moonset and get the coorect weather location
Heart rate, barometer, temperature, and altitude history - data that will be displayed on the watchface - for display purposes only.
Your Garmin Connect™ fitness profile - This is needed to display weight, calculate active calories and activate energy saving options to the set sleep times. There is no personal data like name, addresses or anything like this to be read out by watchfaces.

Unfortunately these permissions can't be set in the way you use the watchface and are always required.

♛ mark the pro features of this watchface. To unlock them after your 5 days trial you can buy an unlock key. "key?" means that your trial period is over.

Change it by entering your watches system settings (long press the menu button): Navigate to System -> Format -> Units and change it there

Change it by entering your watches system settings (long press the menu button): Navigate to System -> Format -> Timeformat and change it there

Change it by entering your watches system settings (long press the menu button): Navigate to System -> Format -> Units and change it there